“Turn any planter into a self-watering pot”
How does it work?
The Plantsava root watering system is perfect for use with any planter range. As a "root watering system", Plantsava's simplicity has an interesting science behind it as it doesn't just water a plant's roots, it also provides the much-needed oxygen for optimum survival.
Once easily installed in the pot, a filler pipe from the surface runs down to a water reservoir in the base of the pot. The system delivers then water from the roots upwards for up to 6 weeks without the need for re-filling. A float in the filler pipe will tell you when the reservoir is full.
Using the soil's natural capillary action, the plant draws water from the soil only when needed, eliminating the need for guesswork on how much and how often you should water your plants.

NB: The Plantsava system includes areservoir tank, filler pipe, float and capillary leg.
Place the capillary leg into the reservoir and place inside the planter. (If the filler pipe is too long, you can cut it down to size, making sure you cut the float inside the pipe by the same amount.)
Fill the capillary leg with soil.
Make sure that there are no air pockets, but do not over compact the soil.
Cover your Plantsava with a layer of soil. Remove your plant from the grow pot and loosen any pot bound roots and place in the planter. (The bottom of your plant’s roots should be no more than 15cm above the top of the reservoir.)
Complete planting by filling the remaining space in the container with soil and watering in the soil lightly.
Top-up the Plantsava reservior.
Plantsava only needs to be topped up with water every few weeks, and you can add fertilizer or plant food at the same time as watering.